Author(s) You've Read the Most Books Of:
I don’t know why I’m ashamed to say it, but probably Stephen King. William Shakespeare is probably next. After him it’s most likely Michael Marshall/Smith
Best Sequel Ever:
THE UPRIGHT MAN from THE STRAW MEN TRILOGY by Michael Marshall Smith. If you haven’t read these books, make sure to put them on your TBR pile ASAP!
Currently Reading:
In alphabetical order:
1. Blood Meridian – Cormac McCarthy
2. Dead of Knight – Nicole J Persun
3. Do I Bother You At Night - Troy Aaron Ratliff
4. Fugue State – Brian Evenson
5. Harbor – John Ajvide Lindvist
6. Hear No Evil – Terry Persun
7. How To Market A Book – Lori Culwell
8. On The Gathering Storm – Jason McInTyre
9. Penpal – Dathan Auerbach
10. Perdido Street Station – China Mieville
11. Reamde – Neal Stephenson
12. Scorch Atlas – Blake Butler
13. Songs From The Phenomenal Nothing – Steven Luna
14. The Emperor of All Maladies – Siddhartha Mukherjee
15. The Maltese Falcon – Dashiell Hammett
16. The Ocean At The End Of The Lane – Neil Gaiman
17. The Sorrow King – Andersen Prunty
18. The Water Sign – Casey Samulski
19. This Plague of Days – Robert Chaz Chute
20. We Are Here - Michael Marshall Smith
Drink of Choice While Reading:
Coffee or bourbon. But moist often I just have iced tea.
E-Reader or Physical Book:
Physical Books for sure. While E-Readers make taking many books with you a lot more convenient in the same way that MP3 Players do for music, to me they lessen the intrinsic value of the art. $.99 for a book or a song is a swift kick in the pants to the artist. So much time, work and heart go into creating. As a society we don’t value that anymore. That’s why electronic media theft is so prevalent. But mainly, I just love the smell and feel of a physical book in my hands. I enjoy the act of turning the pages. Plus, the heft of a book can let my arms know when they’re tired and it’s time to stop reading and go to bed.
Glad You Gave This Book a Chance:
MOBY DICK. Most of the classics we were assigned to read in school left me bored and uninspired. MOBY DICK wasn’t even on the list of books we were “supposed” to read. I picked up a dollar copy at a used bookstore just for the hell of it. Captivated by the first page, MOBY DICK became one of my all time favorite books. If you haven’t read it, you really should.
Hidden Gem Book:
THE DESCENT by Jeff Long. What if Hell was a real place and the Devil was real? Stumbling into the darkness, humans search through a labyrinth of caves that stretches its tentacles throughout the globe. In search for the First Word, they find truth behind myths and legends. Terrifying and nightmare inducing. Not for the faint of heart. I loved every word. The sequel DEEPER is pretty great as well. Eagerly anticipating the third entry in the trilogy.
Important Moment in Your Reading Life:
Sitting alone at home reading PET SEMATARY. Finishing the very last page as our cat jumped on my lap scaring the crickeys out of me! That’s when I fell in love with the horror genre.
Just Finished:
N0S4A2 by Joe Hill and THE FIGHTER by Craig Davidson.
Kind of Books You Won't Read:
Most Fan Fiction. I never find them as entertaining as the real thing if you ask me.
The Twilight series and anything else that “Romancizes” the horror genre.
Longest Book You've Ever Read:
THE TALISMAN by Stephen King and Peter Straub. INFINITE JEST by David Foster Wallace.
Major Book Hangover Because Of:
HOUSE OF LEAVES by Mark Z. Danielewski. That story stayed with me for months after I finished it. In fact, it haunts me to this day. I read it at least once a year.
Number of Bookcases You Own:
One. We have a very small place. :-(
One Book You've Read Multiple Times:
I can’t pick just one so I’ll give you three:
Preferred Place to Read:
Sitting on my couch with a comfortable breeze blowing through the window. Wife sitting with me doing her crochet and kids goofing off. I know. It’s so sweet it puckers my mouth too.
Quote That Inspires You:
“Perfection is the enemy of done.” - Steven D. Kimmell (my Dad)
Reading Regret:
THE HUNGER GAMES is a “Tweened” down version of the Japanese masterpiece BATTLE ROYALE by Koshun Tagami. Personally I prefer the unpredictably realistic vulnerability of the characters and terrifyingly original atmosphere of BR. The homogenized Americanization of the concept in HG tunnels deep under my skin. While I begrudgingly understand it’s success, I think if more people in the U.S. had been exposed to BR, it wouldn’t have become nearly as popular as it did.
Series You Started and Need to Finish:
I have finished every series that I felt the need to. The only one I have yet to complete, the final book isn’t out yet. Hurry Up Jeff Long!
Three of Your All-Time Favorite Books:
That's like choosing which breath of air is my favorite of the day. If I have to narrow it down, here's the first three that come to mind...
Unapologetic Fanboy For:
Very Excited for This Release Over All Others:
Whenever Mark Z. Danielewski or Michael Marshall Smith release a book, I slap my fins like a seal barking for dinner.
Worst Bookish Habit:
My foolish attempt to read too many books at once. I have no patience to wait un. I get too excited and have to dive into everything at the same time.
X Marks the Spot - Stop at the Top Left of Your Shelf & Pick the 27th Book:
SWEET SONG by Terry Persun.
Your Latest Book Purchase:
THE WATER SIGN by Casey S. Samulski
Zzzzzzz.... The Last Book That Kept You Up Way Too Late: