ACoW in the top 20 amazon werewolf books!
ACoW is everywhere!
who wants to win a copy of ACoW?
"Think of it like a creepy Mad Libs story where you get to decide the reasons behind the twisted fate."
I love that quote. Danielle over at Consuming Worlds put up a nice review of ACoW. She reads and talks about lots of great books, so I'm honored that she has good things to say. Check out Consuming Worlds here.
I love that quote. Danielle over at Consuming Worlds put up a nice review of ACoW. She reads and talks about lots of great books, so I'm honored that she has good things to say. Check out Consuming Worlds here.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
A Chorus of Wolves
by Alex M. Kimmell
Giveaway ends December 15, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
choices choices...
A Chorus of Wolves is now at #19 on Amazon
the cover!
designed by the amazing greg simanson
a chorus of wolves... they can see you
a chorus of wolves
a collection coming soon on Booktrope featuring the stories...
the girl who fell through
(ladies of a death man part one)
hi, my name’s pall. i enjoy long walks on the beach, quiet nights by the fire and holding hands. i have a steady job. you might not like what it is though.
read a sample on Wattpad now for free...
read a sample on Wattpad now for free...
there is something in the backyard. something ancient. and it's angry
a chorus of wolves
they need her... and now they have her
sweet suite
how much would you pay to drown your sorrows?
it's a small town. i love it here
the loneliness of left field
it's only a game. until it's not
down the sunday hole
miss anne is very old and would like some assistance