A baker’s dozen years into this 21st Century, we have the incredible ability to make “friends” with nothing more than the slip of a mouse and click of a button. Close "friends” that often times can read many not so private thoughts and dreams we would never share if we stood face to face,
Digital “friends”.
Internet “friends”.
World Wide Webships as it were.
Some point out a complete and utter disbelief in this new way of
relationship building. How in fact can you be “friends”with someone if you’ve never physically met them? By learning a random few factoids about someone’s opinions on politics or religion, can you really be “friends”? Comedic memes and snarky lolcat cuteness pics about leftist/rightist leanings aside, you do have to dig a bit deeper than that. Does sharing a beer in a bar or at a party go any deeper than that? If you make an effort to get to know someone beyond the surface does it really matter if you’ve never been in the same room?
I’ve spent the better part of the last handful of years in front of a computer screen separated from everyone I know, aside from my wife and kids. I don’t get around too easily anymore and party invites aren’t filling up my mail box in this small town. So how do I meet people? How do I make “friends”? It’s this crazy newfangled thang called the internet.
Of course there is the prerequisite rooting out of the gaggle of crazies and nutbags that creep around. It’s not all that different from your cousin’s drunken college roommate spitting in your ear as he shout/whispers in your ear about his plans to dominate the world with his newest invention of plastic ice cream spill protectors. The craycray be everywhere. Not just online.
I’ve been very fortunate in my travels through the ones and zeroes to find a group of people who share a few of the same delusions with me about humor, humanity and how the written word can save the world from the
forces of evil. While perusing some messages in a chat a few months ago, I read about one such wordslinger who'd been facing some rather dire circumstances. So bad in fact that a group of people were getting together to raise money for her medical bills. Being all too intimate with the horrors of the modern medical establishment myself, I wanted to help out. Thus was my introduction to Team Orange!
Less than a year ago Karen DeLabar nearly died from Toxic Shock
Syndrome. Fortunately we can add the word “nearly” to that statement. While doctors and advancements in modern medicine saved her life, the cost of her treatments is more than any family should ever have to handle. Especially a family with two young children.
Since I am but a lowly indie author and not a multi-media mogul blowing hundred dollar bills out of my nose, how was I to help? Well, a group of
wonderful souls came up with a great idea. They decided to dig up a few healthy scoops of stories by some awesome authors, put them together in one great book and use 100% of the proceeds from its sales to help Karen and her family pay off their bills. I am humbled and blown away that they chose to use one of my stories in this terrific anthology. Not only for the chance to have my work sandwiched between such impressive talent, but more importantly to be able to help Karen and her family.
Thirty-nine stories. All with their own stylistically unique twist on the same theme: Orange. Why orange? Karen has red hair of course. Duh.
“Orange Karen: Tribute To A Warrior” is available today for Kindle and in paperback. Buy one for yourself and another for someone you love (or you kinda like a little. doesn't matter.)! Thirty-nine great stories written for a great cause, how can you lose? Only by not getting a
Digital “friends”.
Internet “friends”.
World Wide Webships as it were.
Some point out a complete and utter disbelief in this new way of
relationship building. How in fact can you be “friends”with someone if you’ve never physically met them? By learning a random few factoids about someone’s opinions on politics or religion, can you really be “friends”? Comedic memes and snarky lolcat cuteness pics about leftist/rightist leanings aside, you do have to dig a bit deeper than that. Does sharing a beer in a bar or at a party go any deeper than that? If you make an effort to get to know someone beyond the surface does it really matter if you’ve never been in the same room?
I’ve spent the better part of the last handful of years in front of a computer screen separated from everyone I know, aside from my wife and kids. I don’t get around too easily anymore and party invites aren’t filling up my mail box in this small town. So how do I meet people? How do I make “friends”? It’s this crazy newfangled thang called the internet.
Of course there is the prerequisite rooting out of the gaggle of crazies and nutbags that creep around. It’s not all that different from your cousin’s drunken college roommate spitting in your ear as he shout/whispers in your ear about his plans to dominate the world with his newest invention of plastic ice cream spill protectors. The craycray be everywhere. Not just online.
I’ve been very fortunate in my travels through the ones and zeroes to find a group of people who share a few of the same delusions with me about humor, humanity and how the written word can save the world from the
forces of evil. While perusing some messages in a chat a few months ago, I read about one such wordslinger who'd been facing some rather dire circumstances. So bad in fact that a group of people were getting together to raise money for her medical bills. Being all too intimate with the horrors of the modern medical establishment myself, I wanted to help out. Thus was my introduction to Team Orange!
Less than a year ago Karen DeLabar nearly died from Toxic Shock
Syndrome. Fortunately we can add the word “nearly” to that statement. While doctors and advancements in modern medicine saved her life, the cost of her treatments is more than any family should ever have to handle. Especially a family with two young children.
Since I am but a lowly indie author and not a multi-media mogul blowing hundred dollar bills out of my nose, how was I to help? Well, a group of
wonderful souls came up with a great idea. They decided to dig up a few healthy scoops of stories by some awesome authors, put them together in one great book and use 100% of the proceeds from its sales to help Karen and her family pay off their bills. I am humbled and blown away that they chose to use one of my stories in this terrific anthology. Not only for the chance to have my work sandwiched between such impressive talent, but more importantly to be able to help Karen and her family.
Thirty-nine stories. All with their own stylistically unique twist on the same theme: Orange. Why orange? Karen has red hair of course. Duh.
“Orange Karen: Tribute To A Warrior” is available today for Kindle and in paperback. Buy one for yourself and another for someone you love (or you kinda like a little. doesn't matter.)! Thirty-nine great stories written for a great cause, how can you lose? Only by not getting a